ici360 - Interactive transparent outdoor pannel

The beauty of this innovative system was to create individual local networks, tailored to the users’ needs and personal interests.

A digital window on local life. ICI360 offers the digital city over the physical city. It creates a heightened vision of the surrounding environment.

Awarder by «Expériences Intéractives» France, Nord-region. In partnership with «Communauté Urbaine de Dunkerque» and «Improveeze», this culture information panel is an industrial version of nAutreville project, also designed by Maria Laura Méndez Martén
Installed and tested in Dunkerque en 2014-2015.

#userresearch #Concept #prototyping #futurenseine #designersdudesing #projectmanagement #UI #villededunkerque



Backstage - Temporal Gallery


rappers app